my rpg person profile

Friday, 6 November 2015

A Wretched Joanna Pt. 5

A blind jump. there are no rules for one in the book, but it has to be bad. traveling through the warp is near suicidal at the best of times but here the crew have no destination and no idea what warp current they are riding.

The blind jump was harrowing.  The players didn't know how long the voyage would last and every three days a new roll was made on the wonderfully cruel warp encounters chart.  To summarize the trip in short: it was brutal.  half a dozen demons invaded the ship, the life sustainers were still busted and nasty air was suffocating the lower decks, moral kept dipping lower along with the crew population and worst of all the crew developed a warp plague.

In one of the expansions to rogue trader is a chart for warp journeys and one of the really bad results is called a warp plague (or something like that) the result doesn't say specifically what the plague does, it just suggests that is is super nasty and horrible.  Luckily in my files i had tucked away a chart for generating super weird fantasy diseases and the one i generated happened to have three stages...

so as the players fought not to become lost in the warp or suffocate or get torn to pieces by beings of un-reality; as the players rollplayed arguments and attempted to figure out why everyone panicked so hard last session; as they all suffered nightmares, gained insanity points and corruption and began to doubt that any of there characters would get to achieve anything before they starved or went mad or suffocated in space. I quietly began spreading the ridiculous and awful disease through the ship's crew.  day.... by day.... by day.

STAGE 1: infection.  freshly infected become disoriented and begin having short lapses in memory, often becoming lost.  these infected become more and more needy and often ask for assistance from others.  This is vital to the spread of the disease.

After two weeks the wretched Joanna finally managed to pull itself into real-space and out of the screaming hellscape that was the warp. celebration was short lived as the randomly generated star system the crew found themselves in was no happy place to be. A giant black metal object sat in the system's center where the sun would have been. wrecked ships were orbiting this metal sphere being slowly drawn in and crushed against the sphere's metal surface. Moving through the system carries with it the constant threat of being grabbed by enormous artificial gravity riptides and dashed against the sphere.

Near the point where the Joanna entered the system was an enormous vessel of Xenos origin that looked more like a hulk than a ship. This Ship, according to the augers, was packed with life-signs.

STAGE 2: The infected forget their own identities and become disoriented, their flesh becoming fluid and reforming so that they appear attractive to uninfected that see them. This is the infectious stage of the plague. Anyone that offers help or advice or sympathy to the infected must succeed a toughness check to resist the warp born, psychic plague. Luckily for the player characters; they have been executing crew at random all the way through the warp and haven't needed to test for the plague yet.

The Joanna's crew decided to experiment with the teleportarium and attempted to teleport one of the life-signs from the hulk into the Joanna. They roll on my custom teleporter mishap chart and the result is that the teleport is a success... exept they dont knnow where on board the joanna they managed to teleport the creature. This creature was a kind of weird two legged mouth with no eyes, similar to the creatures in the movie Tremours 2. This bizar Xeno would stalk the ship for many sessions and over time would become known among the crew as "the Space Chicken" but at this point no one knew what it was or where they sent it..

With the space chicken walking the halls, the plague silently spreading, the gravity sphere passively pulling the Joanna to it's doom and the ship teetering on the edge of mutiny, augers pick up an active imperial space station in a stable orbit on the far edge of the system, and The Joanna beats to quarters. Fennick doesn't see a space station, he dosnt see salvation, or respite, the opportunity to put in and repair, or a chance to find out where in the universe his blind jump has taken him, all he sees is loot. Loot and Glory.

Some Leary rolls are made as the Joanna takes the most direct route to the station and passes close to the mysterious sphere but all is fine.

Soon the station was looming and Fennick had organised every able bodied man and woman into battalions. Just as the Station sends out a hail The Joanna flips on it's hymn casters. Trumpets and pipe organs and choirs singing dirges in high gothic fill every radio wave making transmissions of any sort impossible, and cutting off the station's chance to call for help. Fennick takes the microphone and with the symphony behind him he gives an impassioned speech which probably lasted 2 minuets but could be surmised as "I am Fennick markus havershund the IX, .... ect. ect. and if you surrender all your valuables quickly we will do you the honor of killing you quickly."  

Shuttles zoom out of landing bays, ten thousand dis-organised crew attempt a synchronized breach and clear of a station twice the size of the Joanna without the ability to communicate. becuase of the incredible symphony playing on every frequency.

Stage 3: Once an area develops a critical mass of Stage 2 infected, they begin to stick together, there liquid flesh merging until they become great blobs of warp spawned muscle and bone. These Wretched hulks ooze about for a few days killing and breaking anything they can find while eating as best they can until at last its flesh falls apart and it dies. Luckily for the Joanna, the infection was not yet at this stage and the shuttles filled with tightly packed crewmen did not congeal into a soup of screaming figures and blood.

That wouldn't happen until next session...

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Battle Mallets Without Number

Stars without Number
Warhammer 40k


Skip the text and get the Hack HERE

I Love Warhammer 40k, the setting is rich and grim and gritty and dark and exciting and ridiculous and surprisingly funny.

I don’t love the RPG rule sets produced for the Warhammer 40k universe however. They are large and dense and convoluted and in many respects poorly designed.   I rather enjoy complicated games and systems but the 40k RPG’s lean away from complicated and into the confused. The many issues of the systems have not stopped me from buying and playing them out of pure respect for the setting of 40k itself of course. For all the many failings of the systems built for warhammer 40k, I have enjoyed many hours of enjoyment thanks to them.

I love simple intuitive systems just as much as I like complex, well-crafted ones.  I like OSR systems for their clear and focused game-play loop: go into dungeon, find loot, and go to town, repeat. I love dungeon world and other apocalypse world systems for their intuitive simplicity and reactive worlds.  I like burning wheel for its ridiculous complexity that somehow plays easily once you know how it woks.

I was recently reading through an RPG ruleset called “Stars without number”. “Stars without number” is an open world sci-fi RPG based on, or rather inspired by some old school RPG thinking.  The game does some interesting things.  Character creation is fairly quick and simple with three very flexible classes. Advancement is slow and balanced in such a way that characters become very powerful over time but only in narrow fields.  Much of the progression is focused, on gear.  There is a healthy dose of character development baked into the mechanics. And most interesting to me, as a gm, the system includes rules for the microscopic world of the player characters shooting and running and murder hobo-ing things, but there are also rules for the wildly zoomed out world of galactic scale political clashes, planetary invasions and grinding wars of attrition. All this in a fairly simple package.  I was highlighting sections that I was thinking could work well in a current Rogue Trader campaign . Then it struck me.

 The very first line on the very first page of "stars withot number" reads:

“The year is 32000. Humanity is scattered like
Dust among the stars. The broken relics of a
Former day litter the sky and men and women
Struggle to rebuild the glory of humanity’s lost
Golden age.”

“Strain it but a little and this will bend to me”.  I was highlighting so much stuff because “stars without number” is almost, Warhammer 40k, after all it is just 8000 years off the mark.  So I decided to attempt some messy surgery and give the system a quick 40k paint job.  One thing lead to another, however; and soon my paint-job became an overhaul and then a total re-write and now it has become its own rule book of questionable legality and even more questionable value.  The deformed experiment that stumbles out at the end may be hideous but I have made her. I have welded the greatest aspects of the 40k RPG’s into the skeleton of the mechanically superior “stars without number “and injected my favorite mechanics from a host of systems. Hopefully this frankensteinian thing has turned out a decent game in the end.  I have spent more time then I care to admit calculating average die rolls and doing my best to balance things but I am after all only one person.  Luckily i have based most of the systems off of well tested ones in other systems so in theory it should all work out.  There are probably things i have missed. sections i have thought of but haven't written but i am at the point where this cannot be made better until i play it a bunch and other people play it a bunch. I know if I dont post it now it will just rott on my hard-rive as i endlessly update it so...

1: Twist the "stars without number" system to suit the warhammer 40k setting which means.
            A: increased lethality
            B: more random tables
            C: a healthy dose of grim darkness
2: create a game that supports play as inquisitors, rogue traders, imperial gaurd and space marines interchangeably and without separating rules or systems.
3:  create reward and mechanical systems that promote character development and campaign advancement
4:  avoid writing fluff. there are books that do fluff very well and this hack is about systems.

So here it is version 0.1 of what i have decided to call Warhammers Without Number. In all of it's half formed goodness for all 6 of my readers.

(Disclaimer. I don't own or possess the rights to warhammer or any of its products. I am not producing this hack for monetary gain nor do I intend to use it as a source of add revenue.  While I have taken inspiration and borrowed the idea for some systems, tables and concepts from the available Warhammer 40k RPG’s I have not directly copied intellectual property.  Likewise I do not own Stars without Number.  I have borrowed or modified many systems from this product, however Stars without Number is freely available and is itself heavily based off of old school DnD systems so I imagine that borrowing systems from it is not an issue.  Should anyone have any issues of legality regarding this hack feel free to contact me and don't sue me please)

Credit and thanks to for inspiration:

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The Big weird city of Gon

what follows is a city i used in a short lived urban DnD campaign.  When i made this city i drew from many many sources and i made it for my personal use, so you may find some references or material here that is not original to me.  I have to the best of my ability stripped out anything i am sure belongs to published books or other bloggers but i cant be totally sure.

for this reason i have completely removed the descriptions of district 9 and 10 which were cut more or less wholesale from other sources, i will make something up and update this post eventually or if you want to use this city that badly make something up yourself

if something here belongs to you and i stole it and you feel like sueing me... please don't


"A long time ago some asshole came here and built a house on this mountain.  They never stopped coming, the assholes I mean."- Unknown

The Great City of Gon is less "great" than it is awful or impossibly huge and it is less a city than it is an ecosystem or a plane of existence. This "Great" city is officially divided into 10 individual smaller cities, or districts, each of which is further divided into quarters. Each of these 10 districts are unified by common architectural, cultural and historical roots but only very loosely. For this reason The "great" city of Gon is sometimes referred to as: the City of a thousand cities, or The City of ten quarters.

Unofficially, the "great" city is a giant mess that is so sprawling that it is impossible to fit into any kind of logical organized structure. For this reason The "great" city of Gon is sometimes referred to as: an urban hellhole

"On the twentieth day we could smell the city but it was another twelve days before any of us saw her.  Victor came over a ridge and just stopped moving, he stared out over the plains towards the mountains, then he turned around and started going back the way we came.  He probably died out there in the wilds alone. Lucky bastard."- Rigel, Macintosh. Butcher on Grip street district 4.

The "great" City of Gon is ruled by a being known as the "Great" Earth Lord. It is difficult to tell at times who this Great earth Lord is as each of the 10 districts is ruled by a "lesser" earth Lord, each of whom claims the top job from time to time. Rumor has it that for all the squabbling of lesser earth lords, mayors, barons, earls and Tribunes; there has only ever been one "Great" Earth Lord in Gon. They say he sits on a vampire throne and pulls the strings of all the puppets that dance in his city. They say his eyes see all, and that he built the first house and the first street of Gon on the first day at the beginning of time. They say alot of things but of course, the "great" city is probably to big to be ruled. Gon is ruled by hunger, money, greed, fear, and the mob of people trapped inside her.

"Never take a shortcut here unless you have nothing to lose.  This place is so tangled up you will end up lost in another world, you might just be one street over from where you wanna be and you will never know it "- Madam Kurtz to her son just before going to visit their neghbour


"I turned the handle and the rope slowly rose up from the pit. My mouth was dry and i smiled at the thought of cool fresh water. When i reached out for the bucket i saw a man in a fine suit hanging from it with one hand, his legs dangling down into the well.  He looked at me but i couldn't see his face and i passed out. Three days later i woke up, dripping wet, in my bed. I am ever so thirsty but no water will enter my mouth, it all just pours down my front as if i had no mouth at all as if i were a statue dreaming that i were a thirsty man." - Bertram may, water carrier, Soot street, district 1.

The city of the thousand wells. It is said to rise over a deep, subterranean lake. On all sides, wherever the inhabitants dig holes in the ground, they succeed in drawing up water. You know you are in this district when you see the green moss crawling gently up buildings and you taste stagnant water in the air. Its green border repeats the dark outline of the buried lake; an invisible landscape hiding beneath the visible one; according to some people, gods live in the depths, in the black lake that feeds the underground streams. According to others, the gods live in the buckets that rise, suspended from a cable, as they appear over the edge of the wells, in the revolving pulleys, in the windlasses, in the pump handles, in the blades of the windmills that draw the water up from the drillings, in the trestles that support the twisting probes, in the reservoirs perched on stilts over the roofs, in the slender arches of the aqueducts, in all the columns of water, the vertical pipes, the plungers, the drains, all the way up to the weathercocks that surmount the airy scaffolding of a city that moves entirely upward.

This City is the poorest district, though it supply's water to all of Gon. It is also a place of gambling and houses a great area which is flooded to play out naval battles on even days of the month.

Things to get an adventure going:

gods, both pretenders and true deities, have ears everywhere here. they seek a secret name and wait for someone to whisper it aloud
The spirits of many long dried up rivers and lakes come here and ride the buckets in a kind of retirement.
Poor people earn pennies filling buckets of water and carrying them to other districts
An executioner waits near many wells and enforces strange water drawing laws specific to that well.
A troupe of musicians for hire trouble the waters
echoes and whispers, lost children and drowning hands
windmills and machinery, a mysterious girl and a secret power ala a Hayao Miyazaki movie

DISTRICT TWO- The Giant's Maze

Four Lead towers rise from the walls that surround the district. the towers flank seven Lead gates with spring-operated drawbridges. Inside the walls is the Giant's maze, canals, streets, buildings people; everything in District 2 moves when no one is looking. There are houses which no one has entered in a hundred years because their owners have forgotten the trick to find them. There are dead ends and alleys which no one has ever found and no one has ever walked through. The grey maze is a mystery wrapped in a clockwork riddle, wound by a madman.

No one knows why the streets and buildings in the district move though some have speculated that it may have something to do with the liveing slaves who are traditionally bricked into the foundations of new houses when construction has finished. Others have suggested that the city is built atop a sleeping giant who shuffles the buildings in his restlessness. Of course both theories are silly.

Things to get an adventure going:
the murdur of a primary heir to a dieing noblewoman has caused a rush of hopeful and distant relatives
the seventh wife of a mob boss is carrying a local tax collector's child, the mob boss and tax man look nothing alike
a small room bricked shut with scratch marks from fingers on the walls, no bodies
spirits exhausted from holding up a building's foundations lure victims to replace them
a child debating with philosophers in a temple that moves

DISTRICT THREE- The City Of Towers

In the shadows of the massive spires and lopsided towers of District Three hang tangles of wire and thin walkways, broad bridges and balconies below which, roars life. The district is full of drama and action and clashing personalities and it is never quiet. Too many bodies press against too few walls and the buildings quiver at the footsteps of too many people. the District is like a discordant symphony, a farce with too many characters, it is a play, sometimes tragic sometimes comic but always wild and unpredictable and exhilarating. walk there and risk becoming part of someone ele's story.  Every room here has at least four doors and every tower reaches a little taller every year.  one day the whole thing will surely collapse and The "Great" city of Gon will lose one half of it's population over night, but until then this is the most exiting center of human activity in the city.

The impossible towers of District 3 are held up by the collective will of it's inhabitants and some small touch of magic . Somewhere in that city is an unspeakable daemon of atrocity and rage bound in chains, it is her power that prevents it all from crumbling to the ground

Things to get an adventure going:
a happy girl promised to a gentleman, naive to the danger he represents
An unspeakable daemon of atrocity and rage bound in chains for a thousand years and suddenly aware of a single rusty link in a single chain.
a man chased and another chasing
12 people living in a single apartment, none realize they have roommates through a bizar farce of moving people and revolving doors
a landlord buried in his apartment by thousands of envelops paying for rent. he shovels them out the window as fast as they come in the mail slot.

DISTRICT FOUR- The Rubble City

The Rubble City is a place of shadows and shades. Once long long ago the district was a massive Arcane tower of impossible height and enormous diameter, owned by a powerful Earth Lord. The Lord's name was lost along with the tower's purpose on the day of the cataclysm that brought it crashing to the ground. 

Now the withered termite mound of rubble left over from this tower forms the district. It is a city of tunnels and warrens, dug down into the ruin. a city of catacombs and opulent mansions, ruined halls and rooms that somehow survived the tower's fall. The memories of the dead linger there and treasure hunters constantly burrow through the district looking for arcane artifacts. millions of books from the towers many lost libraries are used as bricks to build homes. Gargoyles that used to perch on the tower's extereor, are hollowed out to make grotesque mansions.  Anything lieing on the ground might be an item of incredible magical power or a vital piece of a thousand year old puzzle, or a lump of mundane trash.  Most people who live there have learned not to mess with things that might be from the tower's magical past.

Things to get an adventure going:
A Rubble digging slave who has broken his bonds and his master's skull
A Statue, home to manny birds
The corpse of a lord's hound caught in a pile of rubble
artifact hunters equipped for drowsing magical mysteries
militant scholars who actively demolish homes to claim the books that they are made of

"Never in all my travels had I ventured as far as The Rubble City. It was dusk when I arrived there. Before me, in-front of a long abandoned building stood a street performer who resembled a man I had soldiered with and whom i knew was dead. There was an old man selling dried meats in the street, when I turned, he had disappeared down an alley, but I realized he looked like a fisherman who, already old when I was a child, could no longer be among the living. I was upset by the sight of a fever victim huddled on the ground, a blanket over his head: my father a few days before his death had yellow eyes and a growth of beard like this man. I turned my gaze aside; I no longer dared look anyone in the face." -
a visitor to the Rubble city

DISTRICT FIVE- Sty, The City Of Eyes

Vast is Sty, the City of eyes, city of goblins and brutalist sculptures of ice. The district is sharp and hard and carnivorous, the streets there are said to eat flesh and drink cold blood from dead veins. The buildings are squalid and nearly as sad as the people within. The district clutches to the steepest and most absurdly inhospitable reaches of the mountains upon which The "great" city of Gon is built. If Gon has a political heart it is district five, the most rich and the most corrupt play games of power in the grey-black streets. their are duels and betrayals and the muffled screams of murdered children at all times of the day.

The people of the district are intense and infectiously melancholy in the way that usualy only Russians seem to be able to pull off. Unless they are dealing with vengeance or actively snuffing out their opponents they are universally reserved dull and certainly depressed.

Things to get an adventure going:
a wizard who claims that only those that truly hate themselves can learn magic. after all only the truly self loathing person has sufficient motivation to alter reality and make themself happy.
the owner of a banquet hall which is often rented out for noble weddings, keeps assassins on staff for obvious reasons.
a man who is literally on fire, headed to kill rival before he burns to death
a cluster of goblin architects 
a street where vodka pools one inch deep on the road and in gutters, 

DISTRICT SIX- The City Of Pigs

The city of pigs is a large area of shallow pools and sucking waters along the outer rim of Gon where all the sewage from every district is dumped. mushrooms and weeds grow around the stilted platforms and raised roads upon which the people of his district live. strange men squeeze between the moldy shacks and odd sounds gurgle up from below the boardwalk streets. On occasion the people who live there are afflicted with horrid plagues, mutations and symbiotic growths. It is the least populated of all the districts and yet one of the most wealthy as it is responsible for most of the food, that feeds the ravenous masses of Gon.

the food is grown in the black tar that boils with bacteria in the stinking basin that is the city of pigs.

Things to get an adventure going:
newcomers to the city lost and regrettful
a child stuck in the slime beneath the wooden street and a dozen dead adults drowned in failed rescue attempts
a man with four faces who offers trinkets in exchange for just a bte of fresh food
farmers on stilts, wadeing through night soil as something slithers after them

DISTRICT SEVEN- Burg, The Iron City

The city is industry hammered into the shape of buildings. Hot iron, hot tempers poisonous fumes and rust. oh the rust, it falls from the buildings like a red rain and piles in the streets like bloody snow. The rust crawls into your hair and your lungs and your mouth and soon enough the world tastes like blood and your heart starts to beat with the rhythm of hammers and anvils. As the city rusts away to nothing it is built back up again and with each re-forging it is made harder and less kind. everything is a fortress in the iron city. the mines beneath Burg run deep and the metals rise up in neat rows as slaves are herded down in ordered columns, never to return. Live there and you live in the hot red mist of rust and blood.

DISTRICT EIGHT- The Opium Nightmare

thick clouds of addictive and hallucinogenic mists, conceal the endless fever dream that is district 8. Few recall exactly what the city is like, what lives there, or what sort of people call it home. it is not known who rules district 8.. perhaps a euphoric Dijinn... or perhaps a salamander god from the early ages of the world... or perhaps a tiger headed wizard... or perhaps it is only the smoke of the opium that rules there.

DISTRICT NINE- The City of Gold

coming soon

DISTRICT TEN- The Greater Palace

coming soon

Monday, 31 August 2015

A reading of rules by me just for kicks

so i recorded this on a whim on my crappy microphone because i saw a thread on reddit (below)

reddit post

i think i may try recording the rest of the rules if it isn't illegal, i may even come back to polish this recording if i ever learn how to edit things properly.

also consider this post a sign that "A Red Line Forever" is going to re-awaken! cheers readers!

Monday, 30 March 2015

A DnD 5e flowchart... because why not

I could say a lot about DnD 5e. But I wont today. Today I am posting this hugely flawed flow chart that i cobbled together instead of finishing the next dozen Wretched Joanna AARs.  i will get back to regular posting as soon as exams are done. cheers!

i cant make it full size without breaking everything but you can actually read it/download it HERE i think 

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Stradwald encounter tables Pt.1

These are my random encounter tables for Stradwald.  I make the tables specific for each region as players explore the map. so far my players have visited:   The Rott-wood.  The Swamps of Suck-marsh, The Bog-highway,  The foothills of Contrition.

The tables are weighted so that players aren't constantly finding dragons and angels of decay but everything on the chart has the potential to be pretty nasty. I dont always roll on the doing what? part of the chart that is there mostly for ideas.

Thing encountered
How many?
Doing what? (1d20)
Angel of Decay
Spreading confusion
Gloom golem
Discovering treasure
fighting with (roll thing again)
Playing with victim
Dark tree
Spreading corruption
Skeleton cultists
Guarding a dungeon entrance
Ghoulish victims
Running away
Dog men hunters
Passing through a clearing
Giant mosquito swarm
Lying in wait
Dire elk
Patrolling there domain
Razor boar
Nursing their wounds
Dog men shaman
Fighting among themselves
Moss bear
Hunting for victims/prey
Assassin vines
Calling for reinforcements
Apocalypse frog swarm
Screaming in terror/pain
Dog men Alpha
Building a shelter/den
Surrounding you

Thing encountered
How many?
Doing what? (1d20)
Spreading confusion
Giant depressed wisdom turtle
Discovering treasure
Giant zombie caterpillar filled with larva
fighting with (roll thing again)
Shambling mound
Playing with victim
thing that weeps while it drowns you
Spreading corruption
Guarding a dungeon entrance
Hangman’s willow
Running away
Giant mosquito
Passing through a deep pool
Lying in wait
Patrolling there domain
Giant toad
Nursing their wounds
Huge Poisonous snake
Fighting among themselves
Giant cattapller
Hunting for victims/prey
Ahuizotl (otter/panther/monkey/thing)
Calling for reinforcements
Dire moose
Screaming in terror/pain
Massive maggot swarm
Building a shelter/den
Black dragon
beneath you you

Thing encountered
How many?
Doing what? (1d20)
Spreading confusion
Traveling mercs
Discovering treasure
Fighting with (roll thing again)
Dog men pack
Playing with victim
Well armed merchant
Spreading/removing corruption
Starving refugees
Guarding a something
Swamp hunters/hillbillies
Giant Mosquito
Running away
Bog weed pickers
Passing through
Corrupt highway guard
Lying in wait
Patrolling there domain
Mystic storyteller
Nursing their wounds
Con men
Fighting among themselves
Ruddy looking highway-men
Hunting for victims/prey
Goblin with cart
Calling for reinforcements
Giant moose
Screaming in terror/pain
Wandering wizard
Skeletal hoard
Building a shelter/den
Noble honour guard
Surrounding you


Thing encountered
How many?
Doing what? (1d20)
Cloud ray
Spreading confusion
Failed demonic summon/possessed cultist
Discovering treasure
Fighting with (roll thing again)
Fanatical zelots of Anchor
Playing with victim
Spreading/removeing corruption
Jade dwarf caravan
Guarding a something
Bulette (land shark)
Dire elk/moose
Running away
Passing through
Leucrotta (badger wolf tiger)
Lying in wait
Patrolling there domain
Bullet sparrows
Nursing their wounds
Jade dwarf settlers
Fighting amongst themselves
Cultists of Zurl
Hunting for victims/prey
Athach (venomous ogre with third arm)
Calling for reinforcements
Giant hair/Jackalope
Screaming in terror/pain
Barbarians from the East
Hill Tortious
Building a shelter/den
Hill giant
Surrounding you