my rpg person profile

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

A Point In Space Plus Time

My name is Zachary Groombridge.  I am a stage actor, a sometimes dishwasher, a decent fry cook, generally a renaissance man and, when i get the opportunity, a Game master. This is my blog.

 (as my old English teacher always said "think tangentaly... in tangents")

This is my first post and so i guess you could call it my mission statement.

"I want to write about games and stuff that interests me."

I write about games and stuff that interests me anyway and my thoughts end up on dozens of websites in dozens of forms and generally my disparate thoughts dissolve into the big messy void of the internet.  Today for no particular reason I decided to blog.  thanks for reading.

Fourteen years ago my mom painted a picture of a red line stretching out into  a cloudy windswept sky. I was Eleven and declared that, of all the paintings she had made and all the paintings I would ever see, this one was the best.  I gave no reason and I doubt that I had one.  Eleven year old me simply liked it and that was enough. A red line stretching forever.  A ray of unidentifiable something, darting across eternity, unbroken and endless.  That painting hangs above my desk now and my appreciation for it hasn't diminished though; I still don't really know why I like it so much.

My young cousin looked at the painting once and said that he knew what the picture was of.  He turned to his mom and said "mom i love you in a straight line, not a circle,  a straight line that never ends..."   I will always remember when he said that because he absolutely meant it.

I don't think that my mom painted love.  She just painted a line.  A Line is a single point travailing through space and time. There is a lack of compromise in a line and in that lack of compromise my cousin saw love.  A person could look at the angry red line and see hate, or furry or youth or honor or virtue.  A literal thinker may see the clouds and the line and see the air-trail left behind a jet in flight.  A line is certainty given form.  A line is precise and definable yet;  infinite.  A line is unnatural and yet Omni-present.  I look at that painting every day and see many things, but I am never looking at anything more then a red line.

I don't know what you will see in this blog of mine or how it will evolve. First and foremost this is a blog about playing, running and hacking table-top-RPG's but in talking about that I will likely get into many other topics.  I am interested in talking about being a GM and about building interesting narratives.  I am interested in random tables and posting my own game hacks for others to use.  I'm interested in songs and books and movies and pictures and art and theater and scifi and politics and design and a thousand other things just like every person in the world.  I will bring whatever i am talking about back to GMing one way or another no matter how wide i cast my net, or how splintered my tangents become.

A line is a point in space plus time.  welcome to the begining. Now go read something more interesting that i have written... unless i haven't written anything else in which case you are too early!.

The painting above my desk

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